The quarry, a real natural museum – which hosted the set and will host the preview of the movie Sky ‘Michelangelo. Infinito’- is located in the heart of the Apuan Alps, where archival documents (the purchase contract for marbles for Buonarroti) dated 1517 confirm that Michelangelo, 500 years ago, had chosen and worked the marbles turning them into immortal masterpieces of art.
The amazement of Michelangelo as soon as he arrived on the territory became that of the actors and the crew in front of the sacredness of the places and the majesty of the materials:
“Partìi e giunsi a Carrara. Che spettacolo unico quelle pareti che cambiavano colore assecondando la luce del sole”
These are the words that express the astonishment of Michelangelo during his first visit to Carrara, interpreted in the film by the actor Enrico Lo Verso.
A quarry that for centuries gives birth to the material of which dreams of artists and architects from all over the world are made. A high quality, high quality material, extracted and worked to meet the needs of companies and creatives of every nation, which has become synonymous with art and excellence.
As Michelangelo said, and listening to him from Lo Verso’s voice, “That kind of white I had never seen it in the stone. The most beautiful marble in the world […] “, and so in the contract of 1517 which specifies” […] and should be each of it a column of that same whiteness of marble that has that marmorum which has placed it from before quarry company “.
The “Ruzeta” quarry today Ruggetta, on Crestola montain, above the ancient village of Torano.
It is under the banner of the common passion for excellence and the enhancement of creativity and art, of know-how handed down from generation to generation, that Marbo Srl, which distributed worlwide under the brand Calacata Borghini, has chosen to collaborate with Sky and Magnitudo Film for the realization of ‘ Michelangelo. Infinito’. The film is an unprecedented cinematic event: engaging, poetic, innovative in which the cinema show meets the emotion of art.
Scenes shot in an historical place with an epic character, in which Michelangelo confronts the overwhelming majesty of nature; marble (a block 5 m high used for the film) from which it “draws” harmonic forms and falls into a limbo where it recalls the main junctions of his life, the universal reflections and the existential doubts that assailed him as an artist and as man.
Success brought success thanks to the collaboration of the workers of Borghini group and the excellence of the territory, which have shown the age-old manual processing methods, making the gestures and interactions of the actors with marble realistic.
The preview of ‘Michelangelo. Infnito ‘ transforms the Cava Ruggetta into the mythological cave at the origin of the cinematographic vision; a place in which the spectators can see at the same time the shadows of the giants of art and the history of a territory, projected into precious marble.
Michelangelo looks for his marbles here, transforming them into eternal masterpieces, and it is here that he was born, and has been working for three generations in the extraction and marketing of marble all over the world, the Marbo Srl whose mission is the valorization of precious material and of the territory in which it operates.
The material of this quarry, the original calacata, underwent a particular re-crystallization process that made it stronger, more durable and transparent, thus allowing it a wide range of use and giving it the unmistakable porcelain color and the characteristic veining.
Countless artists and architects after Buonarroti have contributed over the centuries to inject into the marble the aura of classicism and its inalienable identity of material aimed at excellence.

From the purchase contract of marble for Michelangelo, March 6, 1517, State Archive of Massa, notorious Galvano Parlanciotto
“Si impegnano al prefato Maestro Michelangiolo di farle (le colonne, n.d.r.) del marmoro della loro cava posta nella alpa de Carrara in loco
dicto a Ruzeta”