The Quarry
Dynamic company in the stone industry, Marbo s.r.l. is active in the excavation and processing of Carrara marble since 1979.
It is in the heart of the Apuan Alps, in the Crestola’s locality, which rises Our Cava Ruggetta n.17, and together with it the historic company that has been operating in this magnificent sector for three generations.
With the passing of the years, the activity of extraction has been joined by that of marketing: the Marbo s.r.l. has signed furniture, flooring, coatings of different kinds for large hotel and private chains, allowing to bring with his own brand Calacata Borghini and calacataborghini® the excellence of Made in Italy at the highest levels in the world.

The company mission is pursued through incessant research and technical experimentation, to identify increasingly effective solutions and improve the quality of materials with the search for diversification of their use. Animated by the aim of promoting the aesthetic, symbolic and historical-artistic values ??layered in the material for millennia, symbol of power, splendor and creativity, has allowed the precious material extracted in these places to be appreciated and used all over the world.
The continuous and growing investment in the most innovative technologies guarantees the gradual improvement of the quality and effectiveness in the use of marble and, above all, increases exponentially the safety of the operators and the reduction of the territorial impact, other essential business focus. In particular, research and continuous data collection, entrusted to experts, and the use of advanced technologies, guarantee the design and implementation of a strategy that aims at a rigid multi-year extractive and working planning, under the banner of maximum valorization of materials.

Quality and not quantity, decantation and not consumption, because it is only through a slow time that the highest quality of materials and their most appropriate valorization, safety, the satisfaction of a worldwide clientele and respect for the territory can be guaranteed at the same time. The valorization of the exceptional peculiarity of the materials and of the artistic tradition is the company’s objective, perceived as a responsibility contracted towards a territory, workers and creativity in general.
For this reason, the Borghini group promotes for years a series of initiatives aimed at promoting inventiveness and art in particular, carrying out research and experimentation in the field of design (as evidenced by the brands of the group: calacataborghini ® , Stonecycle® and Puzzle Marble * Naturalmente Imperfetto) and supports numerous artistic and cultural activities (such as the one dedicated to “Michelangelo, Infinity”).